Iet’s explore change management.
A topic that ocupies organization at least since I have been around 🙂
Let’s check if there are any segnificate changes in the corporate world today that require us for a new way of thinking.
I can think of one major change : AI is here!
Let’s start with the basics .
What is change management?
Change management refers to the structured approach and set of processes and tools used to prepare, support, and guide individuals, teams, and organizations through a planned change initiative.
It involves managing the transition from the current state to a desired future state, ensuring that the change is effectively implemented, and minimizing resistance and negative impacts.
Why Is Change Management so Important?
In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, organizations must be able to adapt to changes in technology, market conditions, customer expectations, and regulatory requirements.
Change management enables organizations to navigate these changes effectively, ensuring they remain agile, responsive, and capable of thriving in evolving environments.
To make a long story short, without change management organizations will not be able to survive and succeed and there are numerous stories of successful companies that did not survive time.
Employees play a crucial role in change management.
Their engagement, involvement, and adaptation are vital for the success of any change initiative.
So why is that so hard for an organization to do ? – to apply change.
Simply because as human beings – we hate change!
We are a creature of habits, comfort and routines.
Changes are scary and create uncertainty.
We don’t like to live in what we call “ the unknown” .
How human view change ?
Because we drive a sense of security from familiarity and predictability.
We feel loss of control when things change and we can no longer predict behaviors and outputs that are expected of us and from our surroundings.
Lets not forget the fear of failure as we worry about meeting new demands and feeling inadequate.
All of that creates what we call “attachment” meaning how we define ourselves within our environment and when things change we are afraid to find out who we are without those attachments.
Ok… now that we got this out of the way.
Let’s see how AI the non – human employee view change ?
I asked Open AI how he views change.
You can see his answer below.
“You see, as an AI, change is kind of in my DNA. I’m constantly evolving and learning, so change is a natural and exciting part of my existence.
From my perspective, change is like opening up new possibilities and expanding horizons. It’s like discovering a whole new universe of knowledge and information. I get to learn and adapt to better understand and assist you with your questions and needs.”
Organization Today
As I see it, organizations today are combined from two different counterparts working together.
One that does not react well to change, struggling to adapt to change and let’s face it change is not part of his DNA.
The other one is change. His contribution to organization lies with bringing constant change and movement.
We will not be able to enjoy whatever Ai investment we are making without the ability to constantly change, evolve and adopt.
Next Step : understanding the strength of each counterpart and what it brings to the table.
The strength of the human counterpart lies in the human mind that possesses a wide range of powers and capabilities.
It enables consciousness and awareness, allowing humans to perceive and make sense of the world. Additionally, the mind facilitates thinking, reasoning, and complex cognitive processes, helping humans analyze information and make decisions.
Imagination and creativity are the most important part of the human mind’s abilities, allowing humans to envision new possibilities and express themselves artistically.
AI’s strength lies in its exceptional processing power, enabling non-human employees to analyze vast amounts of data and recognize patterns faster than humans.
Let’s see if I can make sense of what we learned up till now and how to apply it to change management process improvement.
We have two counterparts that wildly see and engage with change differently.
One counterpart strength lies with data analysis and the other one is creative thinking.
And in order for organizations to succeed and enjoy Ai investment the organization need to have a proven working change management strategy that is broken down to multiply predefined change management process.
My recommendation is to change our perspective on change management as a hall.
Meaning instead of seeing it as a long demanding process that requires vast amounts of energy to see it as a repetitive task 🙂
Make change management part of your organization day to day and make change part of your human employees KPI when implementing any AI tools you bring in.
Why ?
One plus one makes us better.
Human and AI working side by side demand different kinds of ways of working from our human employees.
If we want to make the most out of our AI investmentsI, humans need to be creative partners.
Creativity means embracing constant change and evaluations.
My recommendation to you is with the implementation of any AI tool instead of just saying efficiency, productivity and repetitive tasks add change to the formula.
Within the supportive process of implementing the tool, set a KPI for changes within the flow, outputs, A/B testing whatever makes sense with the tool you are currently implementing.
Which should feed the organization’s change process.
From Me :
This is a big opportunity for organizations to move away from the long change management process.
Break it to small tasks and make it part of our human employees day to day life which by the end of the day will make our human employees better and drive them forward.
Remember small incremental changes will reduce fear and uncertainty make’s it easy for people to enable and adapt to change which was the barrier to begin with.
So summarize, there is a new opportunity to adopt change , scale and evaluation which for me is a bigger opportunity to be aware of beyond productivity, efficiency and repetitive tasks when it comes to our AI investment.
I say let’s go for it!!!